6. What will happen if my items get lost during the data transfer? (6、数据转移过程中,数据丢失咋整?) A: We advise everyone to take a screen capture of their inventories, equipped items, and storages prior to the migration. Should anyone encounter item losses after the migration, kindly send a ticket to the 1:1 inquiry along with a screenshot of your reported items. We will recover all confirmed losses resulting from the server migration. (我们建议所有玩家先把自己的装备啊、仓库啊啥的截个图,留个证据。如果出问题,就带上截图,到这里申诉,待确认后进行补偿:http://cs.webzen.yzz.cn/Inquiry/DefaultInquiry) 7. What will happen to our guild? (7、我们的公会咋办?) A: All data from the guild system will be reset on the Asia server. Guild data on the US server will be retained. For current guild leaders playing on the US server who are located in the Asian region, kindly delegate or pass guild leadership to a member who resides in the US Region prior to the server migration. Further announcements regarding this matter will be posted soon. (亚洲服务器上的公会系统数据将被重置。美服的公会系统数据会被保留。现在还在美服的会长们在转移到亚洲服之前,可以把会长授权给继续在美服的会员。关于此事,不久还会发布最新的通知。) 8. Below is the Countries list for each Server for faster and more stable game-play. (8、下面几个国家的服务器相对更快更稳定一些。图看不到,但猜测是中国、泰国、日本。) 9. Will users from the EU server be affected by this migration? (9、欧服的玩家受此次迁移的影响吗?) A: No, this migration process will only affect the US server of C9. (NO,只关美服玩家的事儿,欧服的围观下就可以了。) 10. Will all Asian users be able to access the SEA server? (10、亚洲所有玩家都可以进亚洲服吗?) A: Aside from the users located in the regions mentioned below, all other asian users will be able to access the SEA server: (下面几个苦逼不行,其他的都行。) 1. China 2. Japan 3. Thailand For more details regarding this matter, kindly visit this link:http://c9.webzen.yzz.cn/news/notice ... f-c9-global-service [编辑:樱颐]
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